12 photos
Aug 1 - 17, 2014
Berlin, Germany instagrammers
@gert_pauly @lindaberlin
photo assignment:
1) 1 photo of your house (or inside your home)
2) 2 photos of the street where you live
3) "
4) 2 photos of animals
5) "
6) 1 self-portrait
7) 1 photo of a forest
8) 1 funny photo
9) 2 photos of your favorite food
10) "
11) 1 photo with another camera
(Teller said, take an iPhone photo but since we only shoot with our phones please take a photo with
another camera. Either post this or if you say, only iPhone photos in my gallery, take a photo of the
photo. #meta)
12) 1 photo of your parents, a friend, an important person in your life
further notes:
from @gert-pauly @lindaberlin
"Juergen Teller recently talked with @hansulrichobrist in an interview for @systemmagazine about the various assignments he had given his students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg.
Linda & I thought it'd be fun to fullfill these taske here on instagram."
"That's pretty much what Juergen Teller wanted his students to do. We've just left the nudes out and cut down on numbers. His students had to take around 40 photos."
"Please post your twelve photos (in no particular order) between 1st and 17th of August and use the hashtag #juergentellerassignment "
"Don't forget to tell your followers what the hashtag and the little project is all about when you post your first photo."
My #juergentellerassignment photos:
Animal / Funny Photo Aug 1st 1of12 #juergentellerassignment
and the out takes of the 'frog queen'
#shivers #shavedice #coldbrew #coffee #goodthingstexas #tomball #tx Saturday #farmersmarket #juergentellerassignment Aug 2nd #favoritefood (note: added belatedly 2 of 12 photos...)
#juergentellerassignment my house outside Aug 3rd #watchout #gator on watch & Yes, I've lived in Louisiana I've seen a real #alligator
My street 1/2 Where I live #juergentellerassignment Aug 4th photo 4 of 12 #thewoodlands
#juergentellerassignment Aug 8 6/12 important person in my life / funny #man #andrew... eldest son navy boy #ussgeorgewashington visiting #norway on leave passed on 3-3-14 rip
(note: I did not have a good more current photo of him & it was impossible to take a current photo of him from Aug 1-17 unless I went to visit his tombstone in the National Cemetery in Colorado... so I used it... my parents are not alive either to take their photos as many did...)
#nola at #cac self portrait #reflection #juergentellerassignment Aug 6th 5/12
In the #forest of the #Woodlands there is a #Tarzan Swing can you hear that holler?? Aug 10th 8/12 #juergentellerassignment
Where I Live/ My Street in the Forest @juergentellerassignment Aug 9 7/12 over 1/2 way thru photo prog-oh no :(
(another added belatedly... #juergentellerassignment)
mosquito eater a #lizard friend outdoor animal 2/2 Aug 14 10/12 #juergentellerassignment
and many an out take--perhaps the lizard series one day (holds back a giggle)
note: 2 shots left & I can't come up with just a Funny Photo alone
or take yet a photo with another camera...
I have until Sunday, will keep it in the back of my mind as I go thru the weekend?!
It's a good thing I don't have the stress of a real photo project, that I like got paid for!!
But it has been a stretch for me & my Droid phone (so many have iphones or real cameras)
photo taken w other camera olympus not cell phone 12/12 last of proj :( #juergentellerassignment 12/12 #seashells sick day on Sat dreamed this shot up I <3 this photo proj @juergentellerassignment Thanks much @gert_pauly @linda berlin @bosch ox ox ox
that second 12/12 s/b Aug 17th...The End
sad... :[ last photo of this assignment
one of the other 2 funny photos in combination with other shots will have to count as Funny Photo (so you'll not see 11/11 listed)...after a whole sick day Saturday there was no more time - this shot I daydreamed up while laying in bed on & off all day...
it was all such fun, to try & think up shots on the list--to especially see what everybody else was taking, so many much better real photographers, many in Berlin Germany which is part of that kind of fun being on instagram to start with...
also Special Thanks go to @bosch for starting the project assignments on his instagram, so I could see it & then I could jump on in also just in time for the fun with my cell phone camera, as well as breaking out the Olympus (which was getting dusty) & for along the way finding all the fun folks to follow who were out with mostly their iphones (one day I will own one or a better Samsung, what are they up to? No5 now?!)
More about the background of the photographer - Juergen Teller - that this project is based on:
Juergen Teller Wiki...
Juergen Teller Webpage...
(note: that this only lists contact info for his 1 Gallery Rep in USA & 1 Art Rep in UK)
Gallery Lehmann Maupin - Artists: Juergen Teller...
Under Art Bio - News - Artinfo - Shock of the Nude: Juergen Teller Photographs Go on View at the ICA - February 6, 2013 by Choloe Wyma
"In a recent interview with Artinfo UK, he declared, 'People take the whole thing far too seriously. It's just a f**king photograph.' It never really is."
(note: I added the **)
a Fan Made Tumblr of Juergen Teller Photographs...
Artnet webpage - Bio - Artworks - Past Auctions - Dealers - Events - News...
The stories behind Juergen Teller's Best Shots - The Telegraph - UK...
(note: I especially love the one he took of Bjork & her son in the water, I think I have seen it before but did not at the time pay attention - nor know - who the photographer was... but now of course I do in a most wonderful yet roundabout way?!)
And Evening with Photographer Juergen Teller...article in The Guardian...March 2013...
"In this evening seminar, one of the world's most influential photographers will explore his work through a personal selection of his own favourite photographs."
Bjork & Son photo taken by Juergen Teller from The Guardian article (link above)
note: this is one of my favorites, but then I do love her music & videos & costumes
tho here there is nothing other worldly/bizarre going on, she is just simply a Mom adoring her son
so thank you Juergen Teller for that & I can see why it's one of his favorites too
System Magazine - Juergen Teller: How Does He Do It - on the cover...
note: not sold in the USA that can find, but can order online except that the one that's not in the UK wants you to join a subscription plan...this 1 issue of System Magazine lists for 21 SGD (so it seems unless I can convince a friend in the UK or say Brussels to buy me a copy & pay to post it then I may never read the article...unless...someone posts the article later... hmm... not holding breath, but it would be interesting to find a physical copy of his photos, somewheres...also not going to the museums/galleries that he's at anytime soon either, so I will just be good with what I find online... as well can never hope to go to any fashion show opening, but it will show up--prob at some Half Price Bookshop shelf one day?!)
Articles on Style.com online by searching for Juergen Teller...

System magazine Issue 3
Style.com link to System Magazine - Juergen Teller cover & about the interview...
Juergen Teller Covers the Latest Issue ofSystem
May 15, 2014 12:40pm
"For its latest issue, System magazine riffs on teaching: Karl Lagerfeld shares his encyclopedic knowledge of pre-WWI caricaturists; Warhol’s right-hand man, Bob Colacello, gives a history lesson on why the 1980s were America’s last great decade; and Donatella Versace reveals how she taught Madonna and Lady Gaga everything they know. To top it off, cover star Juergen Teller, in conversation with Hans-Ulrich Obrist, explains why teaching Bavarian photography students while hungover is the perfect antidote to shooting luxury ad campaigns.
System 3 will be available at Colette, Opening Ceremony, 10 Corso Como, and Dover Street Market this Friday"
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