second in the now a series by This Ain't Art School on instagram
about the photog...
only 6 photos to be taken in this 2nd assignment
1) Destination
2) Quacks (aka Ducks or even friendly birds)
3) Geometry
4) Do Not Crop
5) Candid (black 'n white)
6) Give up Control
From the People of Instagram...
(and a special shout out/thanks to @Bosch or I would of never found the first photographer assignment)
Quacks aka Ducks
temp filler photo until I found real Quacks/Ducks
I could 'not' find ducks in a pond to save my life
so I found this Duck Crossing sign at least first
I was not sure I was going to find Ducks in a months time either
Quacks - aka Ducks
finally, after driving to the next state & the park pond there,
I found ducks... really, I've never looked for intently or taken so many photographs of ducks--ever
I chose 'the three amigos' tho really there were 4, when I went to post to instagram it cut the 1 duck out & besides it fit the description so well--there are no 4 amigos, but coulda used the 4 muskateers I guess
in the clouds there was a Greater than/Less than symbol
walking down the street it was very clear
taking the photo it was not so clear
again a temporary filler until I could find another example of Geometry
I started thinking about Math oddly, but had to look up a definition of geometry to be sure
I wanted to use this house frame for Geometry
they had framed it up so quickly tho
that when I got my cell phone camera ready there was only the top of the roof undone
I zoomed on that
I liked the angles & thought it would be good for a Geometry example
just that wood outline with the blue sky backdrop
Do Not Crop
it was sooo hard 'not' to crop
only the crop that instagram does to post a photograph was used
I liked the shadows on the sidewalk & the infinity feeling
but it made me think about how much I 'play' with photographs
even with the use of the camera on the cell phone
how many filters I'll go thru even on instagram choices too
lucky the first photo I took was on a road trip right after the assignment was given
it's a classic police car parked behind a fence next door to the hotel was staying at
I couldn't get inside the fence to get a good clear photo of it
I thought I'd heard this antique police car being called a 'bubble gum machine' before
and it made me think of old black and white TV shows like Mayberry RFD
Candid - in black and white
I was at a ghost stories talk out of town on Halloween Eve
in the audience the author's friends came dressed as elegant witches
I was late driving in from out of town & sat in the back
how could I 'not' snap a photo of these girls up front
I knew too that these were the author's friends that get together every year at Halloween time dressed up as either Witches or Bitches--this year it looks like they are Witches, but really they've chosen a Bitch they all know to emulate as well in their elegant dresses with pearls...
Note: if I've not noted before...obviously I am 'not' a photographer, this all taken without a 'real' camera - but it was a lot of fun & I look ever so forward to the next assignment that we are told will come before the end of the year...
we've also been asked as Homework to choose our next photographer...
that's a hard thing to do, when you start looking at photographers that you just happen to like...
My short list...
(for today)
Gregory Crewdson
Diane Arbus
Sally Mann
Annie Leibovitz
Edward Weston - especially his shells
Ai Wei Wei - who is a photographer artist
Recently in looking up Jeurgen Teller & Henri Cartier-Bresson
aka Assignment One & Assignment Two
I found the 'the Eye of Istanbul' photog Ara Guler from Turkey who met Henri Cartier-Bresson
so if nothing else these assignments are making me go out & find great photographers & their photos
and their links to other photographers
from my short list, an expanded view of them...
my Fav Gregory Crewdson photograph
I could get lost in this for days
every time I look at it
more places to find Gregory Crewdson...
note: follow him on Facebook or whomever posts for him
interesting to see what shows up there, tho rarely
it's a lovely surprise when it does
over all else that pops up on ones timeline right?!
more places to find Diane Arbus...
not my Fav Diane Arbus - The Wade Twins
but find it interesting someone went back to find the twins
to then take a photo of them as adults - not in black
(and again more references to The Shining movie & it's twin ghost girls in the hall of the hotel)
and of course all the fun over the years of recreating the twins photo
the latest being John Malkovich 2014 lol
Lady Bartender by Diane Arbus
I like this especially for being taken in NOLA
and for the Poodle puff hair duo
read that in 2010-2011 this was hanging in NOMA
with the exhibit Residents & Visitors...and I missed it
Stan Winston Studio image of the wolfman lionfaceman in Fur
the Diane Arbus film - under those silky fur layers is Robert Downey Jr
tho I can't find a photo of hers of any such freakish man
only an earlier photographer's Lionel & oddly or not his character is also named Lionel
more places to find Sally Mann...
her family photos - immediate family - are intense
these with the children's attitude
not just smiling happy dressed up faces are haunting
I also did not know she broke her back falling off her horse
who had a heart attack & that she did a series in bed afterwards
1998 Southern Landscapes
here I would guess of the swamp
I've lived in Louisiana a lot
I have never seen a swamp photo like this one
they look to be cypress roots
I only knew her as a black & white photographer or her family
of course as always there is more
this the focus of the popular or the art world
or not a retrospective
and there is a film & not just photographs or books or galleries of Sally Mann...
What Remains - 2005 - a documentary of Sally Mann
note: it looks as if all her family are included in this from the cast list
and a YouTube - to see her work & speak, on her farm...
she mentions a book as a child that her father gave her
Art is Everywhere
perhaps it is this one from 1958 by Leonard H. Kessler
I love that it made such an impression on her, this book.
to as she say encourage children to go under the tablecloth
and see crumbs on the floor
more places to find Annie Leibovitz...
I did not know about her tie to Susan Sontag
not that it matters
her latest Vanity Fair photograph or Sting
reflecting/enbodying his Last Ship album/stage musical
and another who has embraced Facebook
I cannot follow all that I love on Facebook
I would be doing nothing but scrolling...sigh...
more about Edward Weston...
especially his sea shell, the nautilus from 1927...
he took 14 images of this Nautilus shell it says
one notation where he mentions taking 4 1/2 hrs to make an image/exposure time
(when I can take note that I have little patience for more than 4 1/2 seconds prob?!)
it's noted there also as one of the most famous photographs ever made...
a benchmark of modernism...
and one of the Top Money Making photographs at Auction
many a reference to $10 photo sold for over a Million Dollars in 2010
see the list of the Most Expensive Photographs here...
and what other artists said about his photographs...
[Diego Rivera (as described by Tina Modotti): " These photographs are biological, beside the aesthetic emotion they disturb me physically, ‒ see my forehead is sweating. Then ‒ 'Is W. very sensual?' "]
more about Ai Wei Wei...
who I've recently watched a documentary about at the Musem of Fine Arts Houston TX
The Fake Case
and soon after found him on Instagram
@aiww or #aiww
there is a recent paint series that is fascinatingly colorful
as in cans of colorful paints are poured over people/models in clothes that are sometimes colorful as well
when many of his photos are black & white that I've seen
I cannot imagine the set up & mess & amount of photos it takes to create these photos
nor the cleanup, I've cleaned paint splashes on clothes before--many that don't come out
can only imagine your hair & all your clothes...for the sake of art??!!
It's prob not something you do more than once
and we thought that ice bucket challenge was something
does this one have a good cause or just what is Ai Wei Wei saying...hmm...
Well, these are designer clothes that he was given to photograph in whatever way he chose
curious how he chose to destroy them in paint colors--oh the choices he had...
and that the end of my Short List for the time being