a misnomer...
has nothing whatsoever to do with 'crawling'
if anything, by the end of a tour, it's more like running
or perhaps 'skin crawling' - if you've not hydrated enough
I know I drank at least 4 bottles of water from 10 to 2 Sat
in looking up what a 'crawl' is you at first of course go for the Pub Crawl
which has been called in the past the "bohemian death march"
I've never heard this, but now will hold this one dear
and have to ponder how to relate to the opposite for a Caffeine Crawl
"bohemian life blood" maybe
Caffeine Crawl - Houston - Feb 22...
note: took Tour One 10 - 2
and there was a poster--Caffeine Crawl Houston
stickers coming in the mail--I Was There!
official social media links for the organized Caffeine Crawls..
Organized by The Lab of Kansas City...
Jason Burton (he came to Houston, from Kansas City, KS)
Emily McIntyre (she did not--is she in Portland, OR)
Houston Chronicle - Blog - Caffeine Crawl Comes to Houston article...
Listed on Culture Map Houston...
News Fix Now - Craig - video...
note: good thing didn't ask Jason/The Lab-Kansas City/leader Tour One to talk coz Texas spring allergies got his voice good for the day...especially loved the remark about "caffeine is an aphrodisiac" or the attempt to even pronounce the word?!
Houston Press - Blog - Caffeine Crawl Makes a Splash article...
note: was bummed to see the affogato at Eatsie's coz I didn't get one of 'em--maybe I was too late after going on a parking adventure for that last stop to Tour One of the Caffeine Crawl Houston...I will have to return--for that alone...
Listed in NewsWireHouston - from organizer Jason Burton/TheLab-KansasCity...
Boomtown - in the beginning...
there was coffee...and...chocolate
Tour One--Caffeine Crawl Houston...
Tejas Chocolates...
note: find out they're up in Spring,
nearly next door--oh my to go find them one day
(could be a dangerous chocolate adventure)
Paper Co
Lukas - barista/artist of coffee & those bags...
winner of that Cicada art coffee bag!!
*note: am probably one of the few or maybe ever to have said I love those bugs! (Cicadas)
really that sound is like no other, in the trees, in the South--for me it's like a home becon...
or a bedtime lullaby...I've grown up with it, in FL then when moved to LA & again in TX...
not to mention the surprise on a trip to Paris that they're made into ceramics which are hung by the front door of many a French cottage for Good Luck I believe...Ode to the Cicada coming up next...lol... ;o))
Here read some history - 15 Fun Facts - about the Cicada or Cigale in Provence France...
note: listen to the video for just 23 secs of the critter noise...now imagine if you will an entire tree full of them or an entire street lined with trees of them or an entire town dotted with trees & streets lined with trees full of them...Oh my the noise...what a insect symphony or would that be a cacophony concert?!
photo credit: The Lou Messugo Blog - Singing Cicadas of Summer
note: I think these ceramic cicadas look very traditional or antique
I'd imagine these would be in the kind found on front entrances of homes in the South of France
Catalina Coffee
Amaya Roasters
Southside Espresso
Eatsie Boys
Caffeine Crawl
'the haul'
trying it out at home
Vietnamese Coffee in a bottle, all ready to go
pour, add ice, boom--done
note: brown bottles say Berlin on the bottom, would like to hear that story from them one day...
*** *** ***
Blacksmith Coffee - Houston, TX...
note: were on Caffeine Crawl - Tour One, but GPS snafu & showed up late...
no photo--but the Yogurt Coffee was so delish, I would of never thought of it...
so sorry I didn't take a quick pic, it was surprisingly yummy & told them so...
could wish they'd sell that in the coffeeshop--guess they have the yogurt & the cold coffee, but not the two together for sale...we were lucky on the Caffeien Crawl to get a taste, special!

here it is--Coffee Yogurt
or Yogurt Coffee
thankfully Caffeine Crawl Tour One leader--Jason Burton of TheLab-Kansas, City took a photo
at our Blacksmith Coffee - Houston, TX...twas really, really amazingly, surprisenly de-lish...mmm... :o))
Sprudge article from when Blacksmith opened...
note: have visited Greenway Coffee before, I want to say in Greenway Plaza...
liked the espress, the roaster & think I found his coffee at Revival Market in The Heights too...
and now I'm wondering if a connection to Catalina Coffee as well...Yeehah--Houston Coffee Roasters!
Barista Magazine Feb - Mar 2014...
Wholesome Sweetners...
note: I met somebody's sister (he's in Lafayette, LA) on the Caffeine Crawl (in Houston, TX)
posted a pic, asked if he knew this sweet face - it's a small world in the world of coffee eh?!
found out she was representing their marketing team...how amazingly cool is that?!
Inter American Coffee...
note: met a lady on the tour with their t-shirt on
she was in the back of the roaster room in Boomtown
thanked her I think or I hope--they were using her/their beans