this time--North Dakota
Medora, ND
South Entrance for Roosevelt National Park
Home of the Medora, Musical - this year the 50th year
Yes, there is coffee... thank goodness for tourist towns!!
Medora Musical - 50th Anniversary - Last Night - Sept 12, 2015
Mr Bubble inventor started all this, his wife still attends--in the crowd
Chicago Boys only non-Western act in the show
One of the MC's a comic, did a whole entire skit talking in dyslexics...
ie beddy tear = teddy bear (I can't imagine doing this & it was a long skit too?!)
Of course the ending was Fireworks!
Medora Cowboy Museum
Just Medora, ND or Roosevelt National Park
plus flying into Dickinson, ND airport
(not sure it's the smallest I've been in, but must be on the short list)
Delta - Houston, TX to Minneaplis-St Paul, MN to Dickkinson, ND
drive on 40 min's or so to Medora, ND
Painted Canyon - Badlands - Roosevelt National Park - ND
what's left of the slaughter house - why they don't call all this Mores Folly?
never knew what Cottonwood bark looked like... so thickly grooved... thankful not here during the seeding season where it all flys like cotton blowing in the breezes... I know, for sure, I would be allergic--the whole time?!
More Mores Packing Plant aka Slaughter House
Dakota Nights - Star Gazing Festival - Roosevelt National Park
Space Exploration talk beforehand, by a Interpretive Ranger
(who we're told could of gone to work for NASA, but realized sitting behind a desk was not his ideal job... hah... love it... and prob the best simply talk for all to understand I've ever heard of the Space Program period... this with living in Houston, TX - home of NASA - numerous times, numerous years too...)
Teddy Roosevelt - National Park named after him
they recreated this horse out of wood, impressive
Teddy Roosevelt slept here...
tree in front of the post office they built the road around
love the face they gave it, not heard if anyone's named it
a yard full of kinetic sculputures before the playground
a wooden playground for the kids, made me wish I were a little kid again
outside the Cowboy Museum... why is this long horn stopped by a cowboy hat
curious & comically & a mystery to boot (get it--to boot?!)
and I shall name this town after you--Medora
their marriage lasted longer than the 3 yrs town stood strong
a testiment to her courage, not his
Sunflower... corner of Main Street & Sunflower...
taller than me, tho easily done, I'll bet 6 feet or more...
25 cents... ride the real leather saddle horse...
we didn't try it, all the shops closed--tourist town
closed for the season, as not open again until Springtime
Boots Bar & Grill
bunless burger, no one blinked when I asked for this
they 'must' be use to tourists from everywhere under the sun coming in
and that cole slaw, something spicy in there--watch out?!
that lil tree out front the post office
that the round goes around, love that
a side trip to Wallymart to try on a few Halloween masks... hmm... I'm a bit out of it, who are these characters... then again I do not like Horror Shows... and the girls thought it was fun/funny... if they came to the door in these am none too sure I would of been happy to give them candy?!

may have been the old Mercantile, but now - more importantly - it's a Coffeeshop
Yeehah & thank my lucky stars... later I will buy some beans, they will be from SD... but that's OK - Barista Owner lady made me an iced coffee with an espresso shot, ice, half 'n half (kinda like I make them at home, so that was a nice needed surprise...) Oh, loved her corkboard too... 'thanks a latte'
lincoln logs, classic, remember these
prarie dog village, far as the eye can see
and then there was Poo... we did not have the Scats 'n Tracks book, so we can only guess...
Bison was our guess...
Oh if you could only hear the 'chirping'
out the window
yes, we stopped like every other tourist in the park
Look--it's Bison (been corrected enough, they are 'not' Buffalo!!)
followed one trail up
Roosevelt National Park
followed another trail down
was this Windy Canyon? or was the up one??
the later I would buy coffee, ground coffee coz no grinder where we were staying, but that's OK
was told a med to dark bean but maybe leaning more towards the dark end - not on the label, the barista owner had to look it up online for me
classic street lamp signs
Main St & I don't remember
back to Boots Bar 'n Grill
Beer Samplers for some
another bunless burger for me, this time Bison
very lean, added mushrooms
gave the spicy slaw another chance--couldn't do it
as the sun set outside the windows over the railroad tracks
I'm liking the respect for trees in this town!
and before leaving there will be playdoh
2 cats & a striped gator, in case you didn't guess
Delta flight TX to ND no coffee & 3 snacks
ND to TX (bad... burnt bucks) coffee & 1 snack, but it's a Biscoff right
I never drink this coffee, I was fearing a headache as the flight left at 5:20am & we got up at 3:30am to drive from Medora to Dickinson... ugh...
Why can't there be 'real' aka 'good' coffee on planes
they could pick it up from either end, taking off or landing
in this case I know TX & ND (OK, SD) have local roasted coffee, not sure of MN but could look it up
There needs to be a Third Wave Revolution off the ground & onto airplanes
please & thankyou, preferably before my next flight too right?!
Oh look in MN airport there is Caribou Coffee, so they could have 'real'/'good' coffee on the planes!!
And mini breakfast sandwiches as well... please 'n thank you very Very much!
treadmill walk to charge your phone?
good idea! nobody on it, maybe if our layover was longer...
Wolf vs Pig - a legal view
there was a legal art exhibit in the airport
I've never seen such a thing
I want to read this book
published back in 1999 it says on the plaque
must look that up
The End of the The First Visit to North Dakota
Checked off the list, so don't really need a second one
I've got Hawaii on the list, for the beaches & waterviews....